
Battle of the bulge deutsch
Battle of the bulge deutsch

battle of the bulge deutsch

Eventually, or so Hitler intended, the Fifteenth Army would advance to take a station protecting the Sixth Panzer Army right and rear. Meanwhile the infantry divisions to the rear of the armored columns would form the north shoulder of the initial advance and a subsequent blocking position east of the Meuse along the Vesdre River. The main effort would be made by Dietrich's Sixth Panzer Army on the north wing, with orders to cross the Meuse on both sides of Liège, wheel north, and strike for the Albert Canal, fanning out the while to form a front extending from Maastricht to Antwerp.

battle of the bulge deutsch

Hitler's concept of the Big Solution had prevailed the enemy was not to be beaten east of the Meuse but encircled by a turning movement beyond that river. On the night of 15 December German company commanders gave their men the watchword which had come from the Fuehrer himself: "Forward to and over the Meuse!" The objective was Antwerp. Chapter 5-THE ARDENNES: BATTLE OF THE BULGE

Battle of the bulge deutsch